About Us


Are you passionate about throwing tomahawks?

We're guessing you are since you are on our website "throwing tomahawks .com". Good, because we are too! We've partnered with the best manufactures in the industry to provide you with high quality throwing tomahawk products and accessories to help you beat out the competition.

All our products are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. We've been throwing hawks for a long time and we've been constantly improving our designs. We have made over 20 modifications to just our best selling Competition Throwing Tomahawk. This just proves we are dedicated to the best product out there. And with all of these improvements you are getting some incredibly affordable products. 

ThrowingTomahawks.com is owned & operated by WeHawk.com.


Who We Are

We're a group of outdoor enthusiasts with a unique passion for throwing sharp objects at trees. If you're like us, you get a weird look when you talk about your throwing hawk hobby. So enjoy yourself on this site a rest assured you are with like-minded individuals who understand the urge to throw cool stuff.